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Webinar: Preparing your mine for BARS in FY25

Written by Alex Urquhart | 09/09/2024 6:31:36 AM

A webinar on Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) in mining for FY25, with special guests:

  • Andrew Sutherland (Glencore Australia’s CRP) and
  • David Anderson, Flight Safety Foundation (creator of BARS) Managing Director.
This session delves into BARS from an owner operator's perspective. As more and more mine site operators adopt BARS, we want to find out why that is? What is driving this? What changes will we begin to see? What can pilots expect? How can we all prepare for this upcoming change?

In addition to this, we are very excited to hear David share his perspective on BARS, why it is becoming so important and its current state at a global level. 

Click below to explore why BARS is increasingly vital, its implications for FY25, and its integration into resource industries in particular with companies like Glencore: 

Key points of Our Interview:

Industry-Wide Impact and Adoption
  1. BARS, developed by 6 mining companies in 2009, has grown to be used by 40 companies across 55 countries, with over 300 operators audited, demonstrating its widespread adoption and effectiveness in aviation risk assurance.

  2. The standard covers both fixed and rotary wing aircraft, and has expanded to include diverse sectors such as resource companies, government agencies, construction, oil and gas, energy, and humanitarian organizations like the UN and WFP.

Efficiency and Cost Savings
  1. BARS provides a single audit that satisfies multiple customers, eliminating the need for hundreds of separate audits, resulting in significant cost savings for the resource sector.

  2. With a 2-year update cycle, BARS ensures it remains contemporary, accurate, and up-to-date with the latest aviation technologies and best practices.

Risk Management and Safety Focus
  1. BARS is a risk-based standard focusing on safety rather than mere compliance, helping organizations implement a Safety Management System (SMS) by identifying and managing risks while finding opportunities for improved operations.

  2. As a global standard based on risk management and controls, BARS can be applied anywhere, making it valuable for organizations operating in multiple countries with varying regulations.

Adaptability and Regulatory Approval
  1. BARS adapts to unique environments like underground confined spaces without GPS, using specific operating principles and standards such as IP ratings and brushless motors.

  2. BARS improves regulatory approval for complex operations by providing an independent audit that tests and validates controls, increasing regulators' confidence in an organization's integrity and safety.

For those who would like to follow along FlyFreely's BARS journey and keep up to date with all the latest releases - click the here to register.